Like most brand new teachers preparing for their very first day of school, I carefully combed through the teacher store back in August looking for the perfect bulletin board decorations, stickers, resource books, and other miscellaneous classroom needs. As I stood spinning a rack of inspirational posters, I happened upon one which I immediately pulled out to purchase. "Today is a great day to learn something new," the bold black letters stated. Ahhh, the perfect message to send to my students this year. Now I know what you are, you're cheesy. Yes thank you, that is one quality that makes me an elementary teacher type. Despite the fact that I knew that my students and I would not necessarily skip through the door each and every day feeling that it was indeed the best day ever to learn brand new things, I like the whole glass half full, looking on the sunny side optimism thing pretty well. So into my stack of purchases and finally into my classroom went this poster and peppy motto.
There are a million things I love about being an educator, but one reason why I'm drawn to the profession is that I myself enjoy being a learner. Perhaps it was my years spent at a small liberal arts college that pushed me to develop this mindset, but I truly yearn to continue learning and growing as an individual through every day, year, and stage of my life. They say that "you can't teach an old dog new tricks" and I know that I'm not anywhere near old, but I've found that people of all ages will leave behind a dream or idea simply because they think they have outgrown it. Do I need to pull the poster off the wall and flash it in front of you? Today IS a great day to learn something new!
Back when I was in middle school, I begged my parents to buy me a guitar. I was determined that I would take lessons and learn to play the instrument. When Christmas morning rolled around, I was elated to find an acoustic guitar tucked beneath the tree. I promptly joined the guitar club at school, but very soon like I expect is the case of instruments in a majority of homes, it found its resting place in the back of my closet where its only companion was the dust that began accumulating atop the case. My high school and college years rolled by and although I still had a desire to learn to play this instrument, I simply did not have the time for it.
Flash forward to December 2009. While looking around my old room at home during Christmas break, I pulled out my old guitar. Pretty soon, the wheels were turning and I decided that the perfect New Years resolution would be to give myself and my guitar a chance. After looking up guitar places on the internet, I found one in a convenient location and called just to simply gain a little more information. By the time I had hung up the phone, the guitar teacher had signed me up for lessons that were to begin in only a few weeks. Suffice to say that leading up to my first lesson, I was dreading carrying my guitar into the shop. I wondered, "Do grownups really take guitar lessons? Is this guy going to think I'm crazy?"
I'm happy to say that a few months later, I'm still a guitar student bumbling my way through chords and strumming patterns....and it's wonderful. During my lesson each week, I have found such immense happiness in working with my love for music. (I've also found out during these months that I am nowhere near the teacher's oldest student. Whoever she is, though, I like her attitude on life!) If I hadn't have picked up the phone and signed up for lessons that day, I can imagine that my little guitar would still be collecting dust. I may never perform in front of large crowds or become what anyone would dare call a talented guitar player, but that's of no consequence. For me, it's about the fact that I didn't let an old dream simply remain a cloud far off in the sky. What's your "guitar in the closet"? Isn't it time you dusted it off and gave yourself the opportunity to embrace the joy of trying and maybe just exceling at something new? Who knows, you might just find that it's never too late to begin because, after all, today is a great day to learn something new!
Celebrating Friendships
Even though many others may claim it, I believe I'm right when I say that I have the best friends in the world. Since this does seem to be a recurring theme for many people, I have decided to dedicate this blog to my many wonderful friends, both old and new, who I truly appreciate! Starting way back in the days when I invited my elementary friends over for Disney princess birthday parties or afternoons of playing Barbies, I have found that spending time with friends and cultivating these relationships is something that is of great importance to me.
First, I want to write a bit about how important seasoned friendships are to me. Growing up in a small town, you tend to know everyone and you know them fairly well. Nonetheless, through the years, I found individuals of a variety of ages who became pretty much like family. Two of my dear friends and I met in preschool and are still close to this day. I never would have guessed that some of the girls who sat by me as I became a master at colors and the alphabet would continue to be such important individuals to me down the road, but I'm so glad that our paths continue to be intertwined to this day! Then there came a day when I met another very special friend. It was one of those friendships that took off quickly with ease as if you'd planted a seed and watered it with Miracle Grow. H and I spent countless hours, days, and even summers together talking, cooking, working, riding horses, and doing things that teenage girls do. We soon grew up and left for colleges in different areas, but H and her family still mean the world to me. Life may change, but I love that some friendships established early in life are able to bend, change, grow along with it.
Just when you think that you have life completed figured out, college days arrive. I set off bright eyed and bushy tailed to a small college and was not disappointed by the array of wonderful new people I met during my four years there. Wonderful conversations and common interests were discovered amongst me and my roommates, my freshman year dorm floor girls, my sorority sisters, and my classmates. I still marvel at some of the random coincidences that brought me together with so many of these people. (And yet I don't truly mean coincidences because I know that God placed us in one another's lives.) For example, my amazing friend, M, and I met while wiling away the hours in a ridiculously long line for course registration. On yet another day, E and H became two of my dearest friends, and it all started by them inviting me to make football t-shirts to wear to a game. Shared challenges, lessons learned, joys, and hardships during these years bonded us closely until the day of graduation dawned and I knew that despite the distance, many of them would remain my lifelong friends.
Just when I felt so incredibly blessed by my continued childhood friendships and close college ones as well, I began life in a new city and found that yet again, God has blessed me with yet even more wonderful people in my life. During my first year of teaching, I have had the opportunity to work with some of the most generous, kind, and wonderful people. As I look back at the past months, I marvel at how much joy each of these new friendships brings to me. Additionally, I began attending a new church in this city and have been adopted by a group there as well. One of the new friends I made over the last year once mentioned that she loves going out to do various activities because she appreciates the chance to make new friends. I couldn't agree with her more! Even though I stop sometimes and feel overwhelmingly thankful for not only an amazing and supportive family but a network of friends old and new, near and far, I can't help but smile at the fact that just around the bend, God will continue to bring these wonderful individuals into my life. So to each and every one of you who appreciate me for me and who give me the chance to appreciate who you are too (you all know who you are), thank you! I celebrate our friendship.
First, I want to write a bit about how important seasoned friendships are to me. Growing up in a small town, you tend to know everyone and you know them fairly well. Nonetheless, through the years, I found individuals of a variety of ages who became pretty much like family. Two of my dear friends and I met in preschool and are still close to this day. I never would have guessed that some of the girls who sat by me as I became a master at colors and the alphabet would continue to be such important individuals to me down the road, but I'm so glad that our paths continue to be intertwined to this day! Then there came a day when I met another very special friend. It was one of those friendships that took off quickly with ease as if you'd planted a seed and watered it with Miracle Grow. H and I spent countless hours, days, and even summers together talking, cooking, working, riding horses, and doing things that teenage girls do. We soon grew up and left for colleges in different areas, but H and her family still mean the world to me. Life may change, but I love that some friendships established early in life are able to bend, change, grow along with it.
Just when you think that you have life completed figured out, college days arrive. I set off bright eyed and bushy tailed to a small college and was not disappointed by the array of wonderful new people I met during my four years there. Wonderful conversations and common interests were discovered amongst me and my roommates, my freshman year dorm floor girls, my sorority sisters, and my classmates. I still marvel at some of the random coincidences that brought me together with so many of these people. (And yet I don't truly mean coincidences because I know that God placed us in one another's lives.) For example, my amazing friend, M, and I met while wiling away the hours in a ridiculously long line for course registration. On yet another day, E and H became two of my dearest friends, and it all started by them inviting me to make football t-shirts to wear to a game. Shared challenges, lessons learned, joys, and hardships during these years bonded us closely until the day of graduation dawned and I knew that despite the distance, many of them would remain my lifelong friends.
Just when I felt so incredibly blessed by my continued childhood friendships and close college ones as well, I began life in a new city and found that yet again, God has blessed me with yet even more wonderful people in my life. During my first year of teaching, I have had the opportunity to work with some of the most generous, kind, and wonderful people. As I look back at the past months, I marvel at how much joy each of these new friendships brings to me. Additionally, I began attending a new church in this city and have been adopted by a group there as well. One of the new friends I made over the last year once mentioned that she loves going out to do various activities because she appreciates the chance to make new friends. I couldn't agree with her more! Even though I stop sometimes and feel overwhelmingly thankful for not only an amazing and supportive family but a network of friends old and new, near and far, I can't help but smile at the fact that just around the bend, God will continue to bring these wonderful individuals into my life. So to each and every one of you who appreciate me for me and who give me the chance to appreciate who you are too (you all know who you are), thank you! I celebrate our friendship.
Shining Brightly
I'm not sure about the rest of you, but this year Spring seems to have been a long time coming. It's been a long winter filled with lots of snow and chilly temperatures. However, the warmer temperatures last week and the beautiful sunlight lifted the spirits of everyone I encountered. I love how much the warm rays makes me feel so incredibly happy and carefree. Thoughts of long summer days outdoors are already floating around in my head!
Just as much as beautiful weather and sun make a difference in my attitude and approach to my daily activities, I find that we can easily apply this to our interactions with the people whose paths we cross each day. Has someone ever given you a compliment or positive comment that made you light up inside? Or perhaps you've gone out of your way to do something especially kind for a friend or stranger and found what an impact it made. It's so simple, yet it has such an amazing effect on everyone involved. As Spring draws near, why not focus on being a ray of sunshine in the lives of others?
In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven.
Matthew 5:16
Just as much as beautiful weather and sun make a difference in my attitude and approach to my daily activities, I find that we can easily apply this to our interactions with the people whose paths we cross each day. Has someone ever given you a compliment or positive comment that made you light up inside? Or perhaps you've gone out of your way to do something especially kind for a friend or stranger and found what an impact it made. It's so simple, yet it has such an amazing effect on everyone involved. As Spring draws near, why not focus on being a ray of sunshine in the lives of others?
In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven.
Matthew 5:16
Live Like You Were...Alive!
Only a few years ago, Tim McGraw topped the charts with his song "Live Like You Were Dying." Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman portrayed two men experiencing thrilling life experiences in the movie "The Bucket List." Similarly, Mandy Moore introduced the idea of a list of experiences to check off during her lifetime in "A Walk to Remember." Of course, I can't fail to mention the well-known Latin phrase, "Carpe diem." Not only our current culture but generations and civilizations have passed along this piece of advice. Seize the day. Live life to the fullest. Don't take any day for granted, but live each day as if it were your last. Why is it, then, that we spout this idea in music, movies, and in the spoken or written word but fail to put it into practice? As a recent college graduate and new inductee into this thing we like to call "the real world," I think I have discovered one resounding answer: daily life. It's so easy to get caught up into our daily routines, our jobs, our responsibilities, and prior commitments. I will be the first to admit that I take my responsibilities seriously and wish to be successful at those things I do. In fact, I believe that this is a necessity in order to be a productive citizen and individual. Nonetheless, as another birthday rolls around, I take into account that I have reached yet another year and that my personal life list/bucket list remains rather lengthy.
Flipping to the other side of the coin, being a recent college graduate has afforded me the chance to begin a new chapter in my life and embrace a whole new set of experiences. During the past months, I have settled into a new city, added so many wonderful individuals into my circle of friends, started my career, embraced a new church family, and picked up a handful of new hobbies. One thing I have learned is that new experiences are exciting yet frightening at the same time. Perhaps this double edge sword is what draws us to add these thrilling ideas to our own life lists in the first place. I have discovered, however, that the enjoyment it has brought to my life was well worth the initial discomfort or uneasiness I might have felt. It seems to me that life would be terribly boring if we are only complacent and never take the step to make our hopes, dreams, and wishes a reality.
In a recent conversation with a friend, I similarly discussed the importance of this season in our lives as a defining period of who I will become. Just as it is easy to say that you'll begin the hobby you've always wanted tomorrow or will step out of your comfort zone next week, it's equally more comfortable to say you'll just wait until tomorrow to become the person you truly wish to be. I choose now, this very day and moment, to take the next step in continuing to become a woman I'm proud of. If I know that I want to known as a loving Christian, friend, daughter, teacher, coworker, etc, who makes a difference in the lives of others, then I must make every day count beginning with this one. No matter who you are or where you've been, God showers us with grace and lets us each make a new beginning in Him. Yet again, I stand in awe of my wonderful Savior!
Tim McGraw sang the words, "Live like you were dying." I love his music, but I'm going to have to disagree with his lyrics on this occasion. When I look back on my life someday, I don't want to say that I lived as if I were dying. Why wait until the end when you can begin now? Instead, I want to know that I woke up each day and lived like I was really alive! And as for that life list, hopefully I will have taken care of that each and every step along the way.
Until next time......carpe diem!
Flipping to the other side of the coin, being a recent college graduate has afforded me the chance to begin a new chapter in my life and embrace a whole new set of experiences. During the past months, I have settled into a new city, added so many wonderful individuals into my circle of friends, started my career, embraced a new church family, and picked up a handful of new hobbies. One thing I have learned is that new experiences are exciting yet frightening at the same time. Perhaps this double edge sword is what draws us to add these thrilling ideas to our own life lists in the first place. I have discovered, however, that the enjoyment it has brought to my life was well worth the initial discomfort or uneasiness I might have felt. It seems to me that life would be terribly boring if we are only complacent and never take the step to make our hopes, dreams, and wishes a reality.
In a recent conversation with a friend, I similarly discussed the importance of this season in our lives as a defining period of who I will become. Just as it is easy to say that you'll begin the hobby you've always wanted tomorrow or will step out of your comfort zone next week, it's equally more comfortable to say you'll just wait until tomorrow to become the person you truly wish to be. I choose now, this very day and moment, to take the next step in continuing to become a woman I'm proud of. If I know that I want to known as a loving Christian, friend, daughter, teacher, coworker, etc, who makes a difference in the lives of others, then I must make every day count beginning with this one. No matter who you are or where you've been, God showers us with grace and lets us each make a new beginning in Him. Yet again, I stand in awe of my wonderful Savior!
Tim McGraw sang the words, "Live like you were dying." I love his music, but I'm going to have to disagree with his lyrics on this occasion. When I look back on my life someday, I don't want to say that I lived as if I were dying. Why wait until the end when you can begin now? Instead, I want to know that I woke up each day and lived like I was really alive! And as for that life list, hopefully I will have taken care of that each and every step along the way.
Until next time......carpe diem!
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