
Bon Appétit!

I like to think of myself as someone with a wide variety of interests. Maybe I just can't make up my mind about my interests and hobbies, but I prefer to call it a hunger for experiences, knowledge, and life. Over fall break, I spent a wonderful afternoon with one of my dear friends. We began our outing by strolling around the zoo and checking out the wide variety of animals. On a whim, we decided to head downtown to see the new cultural trail which contains various pieces of glass artwork commemorating important individuals in our country's history and their contributions. Although the time on our parking meter was ticking away, we decided to pick up the pace and make a quick stop at the South Bend Chocolate Shop on the the circle before heading back. After perusing the display of chocolate covered fruits and treats, I bought some delicious dark chocolate covered tart cherries. Yum! This brings me to the topic of this post. As we retraced our path to return to the car, I discussed with my friend just how much we truly love food. We have come to the conclusion that some people simply like food while others truly enjoy the qualities of unique dishes and ingredients. I am most certainly a member of the latter group. Now that we have branched out of the small town in which we grew up, we have an array of delicious restaurants right at our fingertips. I told my friend my idea of making a list of the many restaurants we hope to try so that we can begin checking off one a month or so. (I know I'm such a list maker. Make fun if you wish, but that's just how I operate.) This post is dedicated to this endeavor and the first of the city's many restaurants that will begin my list of must-try locations.

1. The first restaurant, which I will actually be trying out tomorrow evening, is called Creation Cafe. It is located along the canal downtown and has piqued my interest in passing recently. I hope their dinner creations are as creative as the restaurant itself seems to be!

2. The second restaurant on my list which also happens to be my second upcoming restaurant stop is Napolese which has been deemed "an artisanal pizzeria." Okay, that in itself sounds delicious...count me in!

3. Greek food is one of my favorites, and a particular restaurant of this cuisine which I've been wanting to visit is Indy's Santorini Greek Kitchen. Unfortunately, I heard on the radio a few weeks ago that their building was damaged by a fire. Hopefully I didn't miss out on my opportunity to try their excellent dishes.

4. My list is nowhere near finished, but this one currently tops it off. I recently walked past a very interesting building that housed the Bourbon Street Distillery. It is located on the corner of the street and appears to have two stories, outdoor dining available, and music. It looks to be a relaxing environment in which to enjoy this Cajun and Caribbean cuisine.

To my fellow food appreciators out there, let me know if you want to join in on any of these excursions or if you have other recommendations. My quest for Indy's unique dining spots has only begun...... bon appétit!


Leaving the Nets Behind

Have you ever heard or read something that just sticks with you all day long, maybe for weeks, or even keeps coming back in your mind a few months down the road? For me, this started back this summer while I was working at church camp. The theme of our summer there was "In His Steps" and focused on learning to follow the example that Jesus set out for us. During one particular camp session, a good friend of mine who happened to be camp pastor that week spoke with the campers about the calling of the disciples. Mark 1:16-20 says:

As Jesus walked beside the Sea of Galilee, he saw Simon and his brother Andrew casting a net into the lake, for they were fishermen. "Come, follow me," Jesus said, "and I will make you fishers of men." At once they left their nets and followed him. When he had gone a little farther, he saw James son of Zebedee and his brother John in a boat, preparing their nets. Without delay he called them, and they left their father Zebedee in the boat with the hired men and followed him.

That verse just stops me in my tracks. What beautiful and total FAITH. These men seem to be spending their day hard at work doing their job as fishermen when a man calls out to them to leave it behind and follow him. Did they stop to give a clueless stare? Did Simon and Andrew have a chat about it? Did James and John consult their father for advice? I would have loved to have been sitting there along the lake shore to see this scene play out. It says that "at once" Simon and Andrew obeyed. They dropped exactly what they were doing, the familiar, and faithfully followed our Savior.

It makes me wonder what I would have done had I been sitting by the sea casting my net into the water. Had Jesus walked by and asked me to leave it behind and simply follow Him, would I have done so without question? Knowing me, I think I would have asked a few questions, requested a few days to think it through, talk it out, and weigh the options. Oh, to only be more like those faithful men. They must have known that this invitation came from a man like no other, the most wonderful individual to set foot in our world. In their faith, they found the One worth leaving everything else behind for.

Thankfully this wasn't a one time deal for those select men. They may have had the opportunity to follow Him, fellowship with Him, and learn from Him in person, but we too have the opportunity to answer when He calls to our hearts, "Come, follow me." I'm so thankful that He is still inviting. I'm so thankful that He doesn't make it a one time invite and RSVP with no changes. He keeps knocking at hearts and waiting, inviting us to set out on the adventure of a lifetime with the Savior of the world. All we have to do is drop the nets and follow in faith.