I firmly believe in sending letters, cards, and notes. I'm not really sure where my love for things written came from. I think I've always found some beauty in the written word. I remember back when I was younger signing up to get a pen pal through the a Christian girl magazine I used to receive. It was fantastic to develop a friendship with my pen pal from Canada and to write one another on a regular basis. My family isn't really all that into cards, so I don't suppose that's it. My lovely grandma, though, is so steadfast about sending a card to everyone on special occasions. Maybe that's where I subconsciously picked it up. I think, though, that it has a lot more to do with the way that receiving a letter, card, or note makes me feel. There is nothing quite the same as running through a stack of ads, bills, and junk and stumbling upon a hand addressed envelope from a friend. Instant sunshine in my day.

Receiving mail from someone says so much more than an email ever could. Don't get me wrong, I love technology. I mean, honestly, I'm sitting here writing a blog post. But a card send the good old-fashioned way says I got out this paper/card/note just for you, used some of my time to write it, located a stamp to put on it, and took it to the mailbox. It says "You matter to me." I do have to admit that I think cards are kind of a waste of money when paired with a gift given in person. I prefer to let them stand alone. They carry so much more sentiment and meaning this way. This is why I can meander down the card aisle for way too long reading each message to find the one that conveys my exact feelings. A few of my best friends and I totally get it and love to randomly brighten each other's lives with a card. It's often when we least expect it, but I so appreciate it. If you have a moment, may I suggest dropping a card or note in the mail for someone you care about? I'm sure they know how much they mean to you, but it never hurts to be reminded how much others care. It only takes a few dollars and a stamp to easily brighten someone's whole day. Write on!