is for wobbly.
One of my good friends has a very energetic and bubbly two year old. When I was visiting them recently, the little toddler told me how she had accidentally fallen on the stairs recently. "Were you scared?" I asked her. "Um....maybe a little bit," she replied. (Let me translate: It was super scary and I probably cried, but that was yesterday and a thing of the past, Cassie. No biggie.) She's a sweet little gal on the move who runs around letting me chase her when I visit, but her story reminded me that sometimes she still falls down.
I'm well beyond two years old now, but like this toddler I still get wobbly and lose my balance in life from time to time. Sometimes it's literal, but unfortunately it's typically a bit more figurative in nature. Just when I'm skipping right along in my walk of faith, I trip and fall. I make a poor choice. I regret my response to a situation. I sin. It would be one thing if it was a mistake or the first time, but I have plenty of experience under my belt. One would think I'd be getting it right by now. Enter the words of Paul: For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. Romans 3:23. It's certainly not an excuse for failures, but it is truth to be acknowledged. Every single human who has ever walked the face of this world with only one exception has missed the mark. No matter how hard we try, no matter how greatly we strive, our efforts are not enough. Only through the sacrifice and grace of my beloved Savior am I made righteous before God. Thank you Jesus! When he let Himself be led to the cross and nailed upon it, I know He knew just how wobbly and mistake filled my and your life would be, but He loved us all the same. There was no condition that I had to be good enough first. No, He lavished His grace so freely upon me that day. But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us. Romans 5:8.
That's the beautiful news worth celebrating. You don't have to be perfect. Come as you are. Let His forgiveness and love wash over you making you new. I know I'm not always going to get it right. When we slip and fall, we must allow Him to help us back up again and keep walking forward. One day when this life is over, I will stand before my Creator. He'll know His child so well. With a heart and life led for him, I pray that He will look upon me and speak the words that every soul will long to hear. Well done, good and faithful servant. Matthew 25:23. Well done.