Tomorrow morning, I am heading to spend my summer working at one of my very favorite places. I know it probably seems strange to think of being that extremely anxious to start a summer job, but my employment for the next two months will be a very unique and wonderful experience. I have the privilege to work as a staff member at Indian Creek Baptist Camp, a church camp which I attended as a child and in more recent years have spent weeks as a cabin leader for elementary age campers.
Whenever I tell people about this job, I know that they may just brush it off as working at a summer camp. Yes, there are many camps that exist out there and which I believe provide wonderful experiences for youth across the nation. Maybe I'm even a little bit biased, but I think that Indian Creek is a place like no other. I'd be willing to say that much of my connection to this place goes back to my own days as a camper. I can still remember begging my parents to let us leave for camp early so that I would be one of the first to the cabin and thus have the best pick of bunk beds. Flash forward about a decade and a half and I still see glimpses of that little girl excitement shining through. I can barely wait to get there this year too! However, I believe my deep connection to this place runs so much deeper. It's the wonderful Christian friends I have made there, the heartfelt songs of worship which have been offered up during chapel, the tears running down faces of those laying down deep burdens and surrendering to God. It's walking down a trail into the woods to read Scripture, listening to a testimony shared during campfire, or quietly swaying to the motion of the much loved swings all while feeling the presence of God in this place. As a Christian, I am able to find God in any place where I look for His presence, but there is something so beautiful about eliminating the distractions of the world and turning my eyes to the cross. I know that the summer will be filled with hot days and hard work, but more than anything I feel fortunate to have such an opportunity to see lives impacted and changed.
I know that not everyone has the opportunity or ability to get away to a retreat, conference, or camp. However, I challenge you to take time this week to contemplate a place where you can sit quietly and truly seek God's presence. It may not be in a camp chapel service or dining hall but perhaps your office, bedroom, or car during your morning commute.
Turn off the TV. Silence the cellphone. Push pause on your iPod. Stop talking. Take time to simply BE with our Creator.
"Be still, and know that I am God." Psalm 46:10
Home is Where the Heart Is
I have made the executive decision that I am not doing that again for a long time. The "that" that I am referring to is moving. Moving furniture, moving boxes, moving clothes, moving from one home into another. My first big move took place when I left for college my freshman year. I remember packing up everything I needed or thought might possibly come in handy in my dorm room. I quickly learned a lesson about under packing instead of over packing when I tried to fit everything into a room the size of a cracker box that I shared with my roommate. Each year of college brought a move back home and a return journey the following fall into a new room in my sorority house. My senior year, I got an extra does of moving when I lived the fall semester in an apartment for my urban student teaching experience and then back to campus for my last term. Those college moves became a routine after four years, and then I experienced a new change. I moved from my small town to an apartment in the city. My roommate and I enjoyed getting acquainted with the responsibilities of living on our own without anyone looking over our shoulders to fix every little problem. We added our own little touches throughout that really made our apartment feel like home. But alas, summer has come and we are placing our furniture and belongings in yet another place. I'm happy to say, though, that my roommate's house which we are moving into is quite an upgrade from our dimly lit apartment. Every time I walk out onto the screened in porch or the pool deck, I have a strange feeling as if I was on vacation. Not a bad feeling at all! It's nice to finally live back in an actual house. J and I realized that besides summer vacations, we have not lived in an actual house for five years. I'd say it's about time!
All of this moving has brought into focus thoughts about what feels like home. Of course my dad's house where I grew up and my mom's house will both always feel like home to me, but not in such a present sort of way. I think moving puts me into a strange sort of limbo leaving me struggling to grasp onto a feeling that I am settled in a familiar place. I know it will take time for new routines to find their way into my days. I'm alright with that. No matter what other changes take place around me, I know that God, my family, and my friends are always a constant in my life. It's not about the structure in which you live or where you lay your head at night. It's about the time you spend anywhere with those you love that brings that sense of belonging and rightness. I guess such a cliche saying has become that way for a reason; home is where the heart is.
All of this moving has brought into focus thoughts about what feels like home. Of course my dad's house where I grew up and my mom's house will both always feel like home to me, but not in such a present sort of way. I think moving puts me into a strange sort of limbo leaving me struggling to grasp onto a feeling that I am settled in a familiar place. I know it will take time for new routines to find their way into my days. I'm alright with that. No matter what other changes take place around me, I know that God, my family, and my friends are always a constant in my life. It's not about the structure in which you live or where you lay your head at night. It's about the time you spend anywhere with those you love that brings that sense of belonging and rightness. I guess such a cliche saying has become that way for a reason; home is where the heart is.
Connecting the Dots
I really love the thrill of new opportunities and fresh adventures in life. On the other side of that coin, I'm also very much the type of person who loves routine and consistency. I'm a planner. I like knowing what to expect. One day earlier this week, I began to have an ache in my stomach, and I knew exactly what was causing it. Things were about to change... After spending a school year in an amazing elementary working with incredible individuals, I began to feel sad at the prospect of leaving. Furthermore, my roommate and I are preparing to move into a house that she recently bought. On top of that, I am leaving in a few short weeks to work as a staff member at church camp. With so many wonderful experiences to look forward to, I still felt a bit anxious because everything that I have come to know in the past months were taking a new shift. I continued to remind myself, though, that God is in control and that I can always find peace in Him. God spoke this truth to me in many ways this week, and one quote from a daily Proverbs 31 Ministries devotional reminded me, "We can't possibly see the road ahead or try to understand where it is going, but I guarantee you the Creator of the universe is connecting your dots." Boy oh boy, was He ever connecting my dots this week! God has truly been at work in my life the past few days as he has led me to new opportunities in my teaching career. Just when I begin to feel anxious, he reaches His hand into my life in such an obvious way to remind me that He will lead me to the places I should go. Though consistency may wane and changes both beautiful and frightening will come in life, I can be at rest in my Savior. The next surprise around the bend is something new, but completely exciting! When you too have those days when you can't see what lies around the bend, remember that our Creator is connecting the dots of your life, too, as part of His master plan. "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." (Jeremiah 29:11) What a glorious truth to rest our faith in!
A List
Top five things I've been LOVING lately:
1. Workouts
I joined the gym in 2010, and it's been worth every penny! Running on the treadmill has more or less become a weekly or bi-weekly routine. Turbo Kick kickboxing class is my favorite! Talk about a hardcore workout that's a blast! If you can find one near you, giving it a try is a must.

2. Line Dancing
I grew up in a small town and will always have a weakness for good country tunes. After taking line dancing lessons with my mom back in high school, I've picked the hobby back up recently. Nothing quite as fun as moving around the dance floor in my boots with some cowboys and cowgirls!
3. Books
I've been on a reading roll as of late. I've been an avid reader since the time I was old enough to check out books from the library, but the grind of daily life can take its toll on even the most well intentioned readers. Luckily, more free time lately has given me the opportunity to enjoy titles that come recommended by friends, family, and the masses. Nonetheless, my to-read list keeps growing faster than I can get through them! I'm currently enjoying Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet by Jamie Ford.

4. Dinner Parties
Okay, so calling it a dinner party might be a stretch, but I loved having a pitch in dinner with two of my good college friends earlier this week. A's salsa and chips were a great pair with M's taco soup and my sangria. Delicioso! Good food and even better company.

5. My Mom
(My whole family is incredible, but in honor of upcoming Mother's Day...)
Thanks to my mom for all she does. She's been a rockstar at being a mom since the day my older brother was born and continues to do so even 25 years later. Thanks for putting us first a million times to help us grow and now giving us the freedom to fly. Happy Mother's Day, Mom. I love you!
1. Workouts
I joined the gym in 2010, and it's been worth every penny! Running on the treadmill has more or less become a weekly or bi-weekly routine. Turbo Kick kickboxing class is my favorite! Talk about a hardcore workout that's a blast! If you can find one near you, giving it a try is a must.

2. Line Dancing
I grew up in a small town and will always have a weakness for good country tunes. After taking line dancing lessons with my mom back in high school, I've picked the hobby back up recently. Nothing quite as fun as moving around the dance floor in my boots with some cowboys and cowgirls!

3. Books
I've been on a reading roll as of late. I've been an avid reader since the time I was old enough to check out books from the library, but the grind of daily life can take its toll on even the most well intentioned readers. Luckily, more free time lately has given me the opportunity to enjoy titles that come recommended by friends, family, and the masses. Nonetheless, my to-read list keeps growing faster than I can get through them! I'm currently enjoying Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet by Jamie Ford.

4. Dinner Parties
Okay, so calling it a dinner party might be a stretch, but I loved having a pitch in dinner with two of my good college friends earlier this week. A's salsa and chips were a great pair with M's taco soup and my sangria. Delicioso! Good food and even better company.
5. My Mom
(My whole family is incredible, but in honor of upcoming Mother's Day...)
Thanks to my mom for all she does. She's been a rockstar at being a mom since the day my older brother was born and continues to do so even 25 years later. Thanks for putting us first a million times to help us grow and now giving us the freedom to fly. Happy Mother's Day, Mom. I love you!
Lighten Up and Laugh
It's very easy to take things much more seriously than necessary. With the responsibilities and pressures of adulthood, I believe that many of us often forget to lighten up and find the humor and happiness hidden in many situations. My own embarrassing experience this morning reminded me of this fact. When my alarm clock sounded to wake me up, I would have rather rolled back over and gone to sleep. Nonetheless, I wanted to make it to the gym for the Saturday morning kickboxing class. I knew that I'd be happy that I got up for it once I was kicking, punching, and jabbing to the music. I quickly got ready in some workout gear and headed out the door to make it to the class on time. When I had parked my car at the gym, I happened to look down at my feet and was a bit dismayed at what I saw. I was wearing two different tennis shoes on my feet! In my rush to get ready, I obviously was too sleepy or out of it to pay attention to grabbing a matching set up shoes. Slightly embarrassed, I thought about turning the car back on and heading home. After all, I didn't want my fellow kickboxers to think that I was crazy! After a moment's hesitation, I decided that it didn't really matter what they thought or if people noticed. (Luckily, both shoes were of the gray, white, and pink color family.....but pretty different if you looked closely.) I headed on in to the gym and was able to joke around with some of my workout friends about. It turned out to be a pretty funny way to start the morning! Too bad that one of my new shoes has had one more workout than the other one. Can't tell that I'm an overanalyzer can you? :) Anyways, when events like this happen to us, and they most certainly will, I want to be a person who responds with laughter and a smile. The glass can be half full or half empty. It is all in our approach and perspective of a situation. Make sure to get your daily dose of laughter and smiles. Sometimes, you might find them in the most unexpected places, maybe even on your feet!
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