It's very easy to take things much more seriously than necessary. With the responsibilities and pressures of adulthood, I believe that many of us often forget to lighten up and find the humor and happiness hidden in many situations. My own embarrassing experience this morning reminded me of this fact. When my alarm clock sounded to wake me up, I would have rather rolled back over and gone to sleep. Nonetheless, I wanted to make it to the gym for the Saturday morning kickboxing class. I knew that I'd be happy that I got up for it once I was kicking, punching, and jabbing to the music. I quickly got ready in some workout gear and headed out the door to make it to the class on time. When I had parked my car at the gym, I happened to look down at my feet and was a bit dismayed at what I saw. I was wearing two different tennis shoes on my feet! In my rush to get ready, I obviously was too sleepy or out of it to pay attention to grabbing a matching set up shoes. Slightly embarrassed, I thought about turning the car back on and heading home. After all, I didn't want my fellow kickboxers to think that I was crazy! After a moment's hesitation, I decided that it didn't really matter what they thought or if people noticed. (Luckily, both shoes were of the gray, white, and pink color family.....but pretty different if you looked closely.) I headed on in to the gym and was able to joke around with some of my workout friends about. It turned out to be a pretty funny way to start the morning! Too bad that one of my new shoes has had one more workout than the other one. Can't tell that I'm an overanalyzer can you? :) Anyways, when events like this happen to us, and they most certainly will, I want to be a person who responds with laughter and a smile. The glass can be half full or half empty. It is all in our approach and perspective of a situation. Make sure to get your daily dose of laughter and smiles. Sometimes, you might find them in the most unexpected places, maybe even on your feet!
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