is for imperfection.
As I approached the letter "I", I began to wonder what word I might choose to represent this alphabetic character. That it so happens to fall as the first post of the new year gives it that extra added importance. In fact, I'll admit that I even turned to Google and searched for a list of i-beginning adjectives. I really wanted to find just the right one. A bit of disappointment washed over me as I glanced through the lists on various sites. Believe it or not, "i" words in general don't tend to be so fancy and happy. Icy, irritating, thanks. Then my eyes fell upon yet another that could be added to this list of negative words: imperfection. Quite frankly, it was just right.
In the middle of a several hour drive home from visiting a friend recently, I found myself browsing unfamiliar radio stations. I came upon a show that was hosting Christian artist Laura Story and featuring her music. She shared a really poignant quote that touched me in such an honest, real way. She quoted Timothy Keller who stated, "We are more flawed and sinful than we ever dared believe, yet we are more loved and accepted than we ever dared hope at the same time." Can we all just let out a sigh of relief? I'm not the only imperfect one. In fact, truth be told, I'm much more sinful than I am aware of or I acknowledge. That's a humbling thought, but it's true isn't it? It's so easy to tout our accomplishments and focus on our talents and strengths. Recognizing our weaknesses and ugliness is difficult and scary. But the story isn't over; to the degree of my imperfection, I am cherished by my Savior more than I ever could have hoped or imagined. It's overwhelming and so undeserved, but I'm humbled and forever grateful.
It's January 1st and people all over the world are beginning to work on their New Year's resolutions. I'm all about self-improvement, but I think we have to accept the fact that we can never completely fix ourselves all on our own. Only through Jesus can we become more like Him.
So with that, this January 1st, I admit my imperfection and my heart fills with gratitude that in spite of it, I am loved, accepted, and made anew again and again through His grace.
Happy New Year!
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