Don't get me wrong, many people believe that they just have to do the right things. Follow the golden rule, don't lie too much, and drop some change in the Salvation Army bucket on the holidays. Check, check, and check. You just have to be a good person, right? I suppose that this works-based model of salvation would be a decent system if we could do it, but we can't. Not even close. Give me a short amount of time after my feet hit the floor in the morning and I've already failed. I am once again reminded that I am a sinful human, I am imperfect, and that I cannot make a way for myself nor earn my righteousness. If God were in the business of issuing report cards, I'd deserve a big old red F stamped across the page.
Praise God that even before Adam and Eve first sinned, He already was making provisions for His sons and daughters. He planned to send Jesus into the world to take on flesh and live the perfect, sinless life that you and I cannot. Christ submitted Himself to death on the cross to pay the penalty for our sins and to bear the judgment and wrath that we rightfully deserve. Three days later, He rose victoriously having conquered sin and death! For those who place their faith in Jesus Christ and submit their lives and hopeless strivings to Him, we are saved by His blood. United with Him, we are accepted because we get to claim His righteousness as our own. Yet we didn't earn it, not even for a millisecond. It's like failing miserably, but your report card boasts an A+.

How can I possibly respond to such an incredible gift? What can I give, for surely He needs nothing that I have to offer? Now therefore fear the Lord and serve him in sincerity and in faithfulness. (Joshua 24:14a) Praise Him that I don't have to begin each day trying to maintain my salvation. No, His work was sufficient and complete. However, out of the overflow of my thankfulness and adoration for His saving grace, I am called to revere Him. My heart overflows in such a way that I continually call Him Lord of my life and that I strive to bring glory to His name alone. May I grow in my service to Him and become an increasingly faithful servant of the one true God.
Learn simply can't earn this. We are the creation of One who is infinitely more holy and glorious than any human being's striving. But treasure this truth: He has built a bridge to cross the chasm between our sin and His perfection, and His name is Jesus Christ.
I surely don't deserve this. I've done nothing to earn Him, but He is mine.
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