2013, it's time to bid thee farewell. You've been a great one. In fact, I'd have to say one of the very best. During your twelve months, your 365 days, God has worked on my mind, heart, and life in ways that I never could have hoped for or fathomed. 2013, you were a year of truth and grace, life giving truth that made me realize just how much grace I need from myself, others, and which I'm given abundantly day after day by the Lord. I can only hope that the year to come will bring much more of the same.
Being the goal-oriented planner that I am, another year heralds an opportunity to make new resolutions and reach for greater heights. Books to read, Scripture to study, thoughts to journal, posts to write, moments to be thankful, and people to love (like the verb and not just the word); these are all on docket for 2014. I'm pretty excited about it, and I'll probably tell you more about it as the year rolls by. Clearly, I think resolutions and goals are great.....and I also think that they are ultimately ineffective. Before you call me confused and speaking nonsense, let me explain.
Why do we make resolutions?
We as human beings realize that we just simply aren't reaching our full potential. We want to be the best version, to prove to ourselves and those around us that we are valuable and worthy of time and attention. We believe we must earn it.
Why aren't resolutions good enough?
If I achieved infinite goals, lofty ones that took me to the highest mountain peaks or to the greatest extreme, I'm certain I'd find what I already know in my life. It's not good enough. It's never enough because there is always another step up, more to prove or achieve. Rather than reach the finish line and think, "I made it! Now I can just be.", we realize with disappointment that we're still flawed and in need of improvement. It seems that achievements no matter how great are always overshadowed by the realization that there is much brokenness and failure in our lives. It can become an exhausting and self-deprecating cycle.
Fear not. There's good news.
What's the alternative?
You're with me aren't you? If we're both being real with ourselves, I know you're with me on this one because you're a flawed human being just like I am. Now that we've broken down the facade and gotten real about the fact that resolutions and self fixes will never actually fix us, let's consider an alternative. In 2013, I've come to love even more something that I've known and embraced for a long time. Yes, God was really gracious to move it deeper into the intimate recesses of my heart and let me bask in it at a grander level: I'm not good enough, yet He has sent one Who is infinitely good enough so that I can be made perfect in Him. I can say that I make big mistakes and little mistakes and miss the mark for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23). I acknowledge my weakness so that I can see my need. Because of my sinfulness, God the Father sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to live a sinless life and to die on my behalf absorbing the wrath and punishment that I rightly deserved, for He loves me so (John 3:16). By placing my faith and life in Christ, I get the beautiful gift of union with Him. When God looks at me, He sees Jesus' perfection. It's unreal how amazing it is, but it is real! Thank you God that you are a God of truth and a God of great grace.
Why make resolutions?
So clearly I don't have to flounder in the fact that I'm not enough anymore. Jesus is mine, and I am His. My position as perfect in Christ is secure. However, this doesn't mean it's always apparent in my everyday life. With God residing within me in the person of the Holy Spirit, He is now working together with me throughout life to become more like Christ in practice. And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ (Philippians 1:6). Because of my thankfulness for His saving work, I'm going to take action in obedience to please Him. This doesn't earn me my salvation or make Him love me more. But an overflowing fountain from a grateful heart can't help but want to show it through action.
2014, you will be a year of more changes and goals so get ready. In 365 days, I hope I look more like Jesus than I do today. I will remember that resolutions are ineffective of themselves, but in context and paired with the perfection of my Savior, I can move forward in obedience, truth, and grace to love my God and those He has placed around me with greater intensity and completeness.
Truth. Grace. Jesus.
Happy New Year!
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