
Joyful Mourning

The separation of death is a painful blow to our human experience.  The sadness felt acutely in our hearts at the loss of those we love bears witness to the fact that death is harsh and not what should be.  As death entered my life recently, I found that mourning which pains the heart can also be coupled with beautiful joy.

My grandmother, Jane Elizabeth Beumel, passed away last week.  She was an incredibly lovely woman whom I admire deeply.  She was sharper and more knowledgeable about most subjects than anyone else I know.  She loved hot tea with lots of sugar and always had a spark to her personality.  She was adventurous as I aspire to be, for in her younger days she rode the L&N railroad where her father was a conductor to
travel near and far.  She loved my grandfather, Lee, faithfully until his passing and every day after as well.  She treasured her family and loved her grandchildren to the hilt.  In my childhood, she used to play Barbies with me and let me read aloud to her.  Into adulthood, I loved to sit in the rocking chair beside her bed and talk with her or show her stylish new outfits I'd picked out for special occasions.  I always knew that she was incredibly proud of the woman I had grown to be and that her love would never fail.

Undoubtedly, her passing leaves a hole that aches and grieves.  Yet in this sadness, there is yet another quality about my grandmother and her life which has turned the sorrow into gladness and celebration.  My grandmother was a woman of faith who had placed her faith in her Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.  This makes all the difference.

Death is the result and penalty of our sin and fallen nature.  Just as the first human beings, Adam and Eve, willfully chose disobedience, so too do each of us.  For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. (Romans 3:23).  I acknowledge and absolutely admit this about myself.  Yet even in this state, God made a way for us to be made in right relationship with him again just as man was first created to be.  But God shows His love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us (Romans 5:8).  Through His death on the cross, Jesus took my sins upon his shoulders and absorbed the punishment and death that I deserve.  Not only did He die in my stead, but He also defeated death and rose again by the power of the Spirit!  So while nothing of my own, no matter how good it may be, can ever earn God's favor or clear our record of sin, there is One who can if you call upon His Name and place your trust in Him.  Jesus Christ, fully God Who became fully man, lived perfectly, died, and rose again so that in Him, I might have this credited to me.  We were buried therefore with him by baptism into death, in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, we too might walk in newness of life (Romans 6:4).  So while death is still a reality here on this earth, it is not the end but just the beginning.  For those who have placed their trust in Christ, our lives can be made new even today, and we will one day be made perfect in Him and enjoy His presence for eternity.  Equally real, those who have turned from God and refused His Son will not have His righteousness to stand upon. They will deserve the separation and judgment that sin demands.  His salvation is open to everyone who would call on His Name.  There is no one too far gone or too low for the depths of His love, not even you or me.  If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved (Romans 10:9).   

I experienced joyful mourning in saying goodbye to Maw Maw Jane.  I mourn for the loss of a woman I dearly love, but I rejoice with a full heart that Jesus has taken her home to be with Him.  I am joyous that she gets to experience the fullness of His glory and to worship Him with adoration and awe.  I am excited that one day I will get to join her and the multitude of believers in this!  So as Easter Sunday approaches in a few weeks, I reflect upon the Friday death of my Jesus and that Sunday joyful morning of His resurrection that allows my joyful mourning!  Praise be to His name always!

From life's first cry to final breath.
Jesus commands my destiny.
No power of hell, no scheme of man,
Can ever pluck me from His hand;
Till He returns or calls me home,
Here in the power of Christ I'll stand.
-"In Christ Alone"


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