One of my very favorite things within our sorority are the "families" made up of sisters of various ages. Each new member (or little sister) is given a big sister. These Big and Little pairs are kept secret as the big sisters shower their littler sisters with various gifts and snacks leading up to revelation. Long after the Big and Little pairs are revealed, family bonds can have a lasting impact on one's sorority experience. For me, I am still very close to my big sister. In fact, she is a fellow teacher at my school. Additionally, my little sister and I stay connected and visit one another even though we live a few hours apart from one another.
This past weekend, I was in for a real treat. I was able to meet the newest addition to my sorority family over dinner at the Cheesecake Factory. I was the oldest in attendance and spent a wonderful meal with five other generations of our family. It was so neat to me to see how connected we are even though we span such a range of years and ages at this point in our lives.

Although I am not as involved in my sorority as I was during my collegiate days, it has helped build me into the woman I am today. I am forever thankful for the times I spent in my chapter of Chi Omega and the ways that it keeps touching me in a positive way even now.
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