
Sun, Sand, and the Waves Rolling In

The weather has been a bit fickle lately. One day it's warm enough to go outside without my coat or simply wear a light jacket. The next I find myself zipping up my winter coat and eagerly pulling on my gloves as I start my car in the morning. Nonetheless, the sunshine and springtime warmth bring promise of more such days to come. I'm currently on the countdown to Spring Break. I'm very thankful as a teacher to be blessed with some wonderful time of rest and relaxation throughout the school year. In only a little more than a week, I will be packing my suitcase and heading south to Texas with four of my good teacher friends. I'm very excited to be taking a trip somewhere new. The greatest extent of my experiences in Texas were summed up in an airport on my way to Mexico as a college student. This time I will be settling down for the week and taking in the ocean as it laps up on the Texas shore. I must admit that when I go to the beach, one of my very favorite pastimes is the pleasure of hours to read a good book. With such a love for reading, I try to make time in my usual weeks to read here and there, but there is something so fabulous and freeing to know that I can lay on my beach towel and read for as long as I like. And then of course there is the plane ride there and back. So much time to enjoy. In honor of this, I placed an order for three new books on amazon this evening. These include Blue Like Jazz by Donald Miller, Forgotten God by Francis Chan, and Bittersweet by Shauna Niequest. I chose these three books because of recommendations by others or because I have previously read and enjoyed a book by the author. (I just finished Cold Tangerines by Shauna Niequest and absolutely loved it. It was beautifully written and I suggest it to other readers.) As the days pass by and the trips draws nearer, I will be eagerly checking the doorstep for the arrival of these new books. Hope you are making time in your schedule to read or take part in the activities that bring you joy too!

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