For the next few weeks, I am going to go through the alphabet and choose a word of the week. I'm a little bit of a word nerd (no rhyme intended, but I like it), so I'm pretty excited about it. It might be one that really resounds with me, it might be an everyday word, or it may just be one which I think is really beautiful to say or think about. Keeping in theme with her post, I'd like to invite you to comment on these with words that begin with that letter that are meaningful to you and why. Let the words begin...
is for abundance.
With Thanksgiving floating right around the corner, I couldn't help but focus on the abundance of blessings in my life. I love the image of an overflowing cornucopia that often accompanies one's thoughts of Thanksgiving and plenty. I am thankful for an abundance of love from family and friends near and far. I am grateful for good health, shelter, my daily bread, and warmth as the weather turns cool. I appreciate the abundance of energy and spirit that my wonderful students bring into our classroom daily. When it is all too easy to want something I do not have, I wish to instead shift my vision to the great harvest of blessings that God has laid in my life.
What a great idea! I look forward to reading your posts A-Z! :) Have a happy thanksgiving, Cass.