
Real Sacrifice

Today was a very unique day for each and every American.  We were faced with the memory of the terrible tragedy of September 11, 2001.  It's difficult to watch replays of the coverage of that horribly sad day, and yet I believe we must look back and remember.  We must honor those who were lost and the men and women who rose as heroes.  I pray for the families who that day lost those they dearly loved and who still feel that missing piece in their lives.  May God continue to fill their hearts with peace and wholeness once again.  I am also incredibly thankful for the service men and women who step in and take immense risks to save lives or fight for our freedoms.

In honor of 9/11, the youth at church did a very special service this morning.  They fittingly chose the topic of "God of Justice" and focused their message, music, and drama on the topic of becoming God's hands and feet to justly reach out to each of His children in need.  As the worship service reached its conclusion, the middle and high schoolers challenged the congregation to sacrifice.  What followed undoubtedly ranks as one of the most touching and emotional displays by a congregation that I have had the honor to experience.

Soles for Souls is a non-profit organization which collects used shoes and redistributes them to shoeless and needy individuals in countries across the world.  To support this ministry and to truly reach out to those less fortunate, the youth asked us to consider making a somewhat radical sacrifice.  As we sang one of our final praise songs, they requested that we might join them in bringing our own shoes we had worn that day up to the altar as a donation and leaving church shoeless that day.  It struck me how easy it is to take a few bills out of your wallet to drop in the offering or to send in a monetary donation to a good cause.  Putting yourself in a somewhat uncomfortable situation and giving of something unexpected was an exercise for our church in trust and obedience.  The youth were unsure of the response they would receive, but as individual after individual removed their shoes and walked to place them at the front, my heart was brimming with emotion.  It made me realize that to step out in faith, we need to feel awkward and uneasy sometimes.  Feeling at ease and just giving when it's easy isn't real sacrifice.  When Christ stretched out His arms and gave Himself as a sacrifice for each of us, he set an example in laying aside our own will or needs.  May He always push me to be more radical in my love for Him.

By the way, the altar was full of shoes.  Our youth are brave in their faith, the church family is gracious in their acts of giving, but most of all, our God is an awesome God.