
Quit Tipping Your Chair

Quit tipping your chair.  Put it down on all four legs.

If I've told a student this once, I've said it a hundred times.  Let's get this straight.  It's not that I really care one hoot about the chair being tipped.  To be honest, I get the fact that it's relaxing to tilt it back onto two legs.  It's not a big deal in the grand scheme of life.  But, I also get the concept of gravity as a student precariously balances on two chair legs.  So when I say to quit tipping the chair, it's not about the chair.  It's about the one who sits in it.  It's about their safety and well-being.  That same kiddo who over and over again leans back eventually reaches that moment of regret when he has gone a millimeter too far and the great spill occurs.  The seat dramatically plunges to the ground, jarring and slamming its passenger into the unforgiving floor below.  Ouch.  Don't say we didn't tell you.

Quit tipping your chair.  "I know better than that," you respond, agitated and offended that I'd even waste your time with something so common sense.  But seriously, quit.  We've been warned and reminded, so listen up and put it back on the firm foundation. 

It's practically childish at such a basic level, but too many of us don't get it in the chair of life.  Humanity began with the best of seats on a firm foundation, but from Adam and Eve right on down the line to you and me, we've been tipping it back dangerously ever since.  Sure, we'll keep it positioned just right in this or that area of life, but you willingly make allowances for sinfulness here and there.  "After all," you think, "I can keep it balanced."  Perhaps you even encounter a scare, a moment when the ugliness of sin and disobedience burns you just enough to pull back.  It's like almost falling, but catching yourself before a true tumble.  Yet you're unrepentant and fall into the same patterns again.  Tipping, tipping, tipping.  That's dangerous business.

In Zechariah 1, the prophet addresses a people who come from a long line of chair tippers.  Do not be like your fathers, to whom the former prophets cried out, 'Thus says the Lord of hosts, Return from your evil ways and from your evil deeds.'  But they did not hear or pay attention to me, declares the Lord. (Zechariah 1: 4)  The Israelites, God's people, had tasted and seen the consequences of their forefathers' disobedience and turning from the Lord.  It seems ludicrous that they'd even so much as tiptoe toward this way of living, but Zechariah's words from the Lord made it clear that they were just as hard headed and stubborn.  Why should they listen to His call:  Return to me, says the Lord of hosts, and I will return to you, says the Lord of hosts. (Zech. 1:3)?  Just as my warning to my students comes from the heart of a teacher, a caregiver who desires the well-being and good of the children in my care, how much more must our great Teacher love us?  Jesus Christ left His rightful place in heaven to walk among humanity teaching, healing, and loving.  He lived a sinless life where we could not and stretched out His arms on a cross to pay the penalty for our sins and receive the judgment and wrath that our disobedience and evil deserved.  But the story was not over, for He conquered death and rose victorious offering union with Him, abundant life, and salvation to those who confess Him as Lord of their life.  Our great Teacher, our beloved Savior instructed, If you love me, you will keep my commandments. (John 14:15)  With a heart overflowing with thankfulness and joy for His grace and mercy, I want to please Him.  And the incredible part of it is that His commandments are there for our good and best interests!

Are you done deliberately tipping your chair, precariously balancing on the edge of destruction and heartbreak?  Put it back on the firm foundation of Christ, our Rock that cannot be shaken or moved.        


Because He First Chose Me

A little over a week ago, I sat down at my computer wishing to write an Easter inspired blog reflecting upon the incredible sacrifice and saving power of Jesus.  A message that fills my life with joy, I wanted to share it in words but couldn't figure out how to wrap it up as a gift for you to read.  I stared at the screen for a while but to no avail.  After retreating to Youtube to watch a few videos and listen to some of my favorite songs, an idea finally began to take shape in my mind.  With two weeks of Spring Break ahead, I decided to take on a small project, so I sent an email out to several friends who were wonderful enough to contribute.  Thank you to each of you who shared your story and your words of how Jesus has changed your life. 

This blog post is inspired by the song "I Choose Jesus" by Moriah Peters.  Easter Sunday is the most beautiful and glorious day of the year, a time when we can celebrate the resurrection of Jesus as He rose victorious over sin and death.  But if we are only joyous of His victory one day a year, are we truly giving Him the praise He deserves?  Are we stepping into the glorious light of redemption and grace?  We may celebrate Easter but one day a year, yet the Gospel transforms me every single day.  As Moriah Peters sings, "I will stand and let the whole world know.  I choose Jesus, the One who first chose me."

I asked several of my friends to ponder this song and to share with you the incredible way that Jesus has changed them, remade them, loved them, and made them new.  Their words speak volumes more than I alone could say.  Our Savior is great, and we want the world to know.  We choose Jesus, the One who first chose us!

For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek.  Romans 1:16  

(Push play to start the song, then scroll down to enjoy.  We choose Jesus!)

Jesus called me from a life of mediocre Christianity to a life of complete surrender to Him and living for His glory.  As my Savior and Lord, He fills my heart so fully that it could burst with joy and thankfulness.  If I am to boast, may I always boast in Him!  My name is Cassie and I choose Jesus.  

I grew up in the faith but I wandered away from Him and into darkness. Jesus then reached, healed my blindness, and showed me a new way to live. My name is Jason Chapel and I choose Jesus.

I am continually amazed at how much He loves me. “Behold, I have graven thee upon the palms of my hands; thy walls are continually before me” – Isaiah 49: 15-16.  It is through the blood of Christ that I have right standing with God…I am His.  My name is Nancy and I choose Jesus! 

I found true joy and humility in Jesus. My name is Ali and I choose Jesus.

I found the meaning of unconditional love and true selflessness in Jesus Christ. When He becomes greater and I become less, there is purpose in my life. My name is Dan and I choose Jesus.

Knowing that Jesus made the ultimate sacrifice by dying to cleanse me of my sins even though I don’t deserve it is a reminder that I try to focus on every day.  I’m not going to be perfect, but Jesus’ love, grace, and mercy gives me the hope and direction to try to live my life for Him.  My name is Marc and I choose Jesus.

I am thankful to have learned about Jesus’ love for me at a young age, but truly grasping and understanding the depths of His love for me is something that changes how I live my daily life today. He died for my sins and I am so thankful for His love, though I’m undeserving, and I try to reflect His goodness every day.  My name is Amy Gene and I choose Jesus. 

Jesus is helping me to find contentment Him alone. He is showing me daily that even though there are struggles and disappointments in this world, joy and hope can be found in Him. My name is Jennifer and I choose Jesus. 

Every morning, I wake up in awe of the fact that the Creator of the universe also longs to be my friend. At the foot of the cross, he transformed my broken heart into something beautiful. My name is Nancy, and I choose Jesus.

Through knowing Jesus my life has been transformed into one of feeling unconditional love and forgiveness. As  my walk in my faith continues to grow I look towards him for guidance in every aspect of my life. My name is Jessica and I choose Jesus.

Jesus has always been there to guide me when I've humbled myself and allowed him to.  Knowing I have eternal life because of his love makes all the difference!  My name is Clay and I choose Jesus.

Jesus has shown me just how big and powerful He truly is.  He reminds me every day that when compared to Him, my worries pale in comparison, and that I am more than a conqueror through Him who loves me.  My name is Mel, and I choose Jesus.

Jesus is the source of every joy in my life.  He is the reason I have purpose, the reason I have hope for what is to come, the reason I am able to love, the reason I sing, the reason I proclaim I am forgiven, and the reason I can live as a new creation.  My name is Rachel and I choose Jesus!

Apart from Christ I was dead in the midst of existence. In Christ I have been given life in God. Each day I am transformed by His gospel through His grace yearning for Him to be glorified in me and I in Him. My name is Patrick, and I choose Jesus.

Jesus heard my silent plea for comfort and gave me peace when I didn't think anyone was listening.  I hope that I never live without knowing His love is always there.  My name is Leslie and I choose Jesus.

Jesus has revived my soul. I am ever thankful to open my heart to a growing and loving relationship with my Lord and Savior. My name is Sara Jo and I choose Jesus.

I was raised in a faith based solely on the rules and commandments we kept.  After experiencing true Christianity and depending only on the blood of Jesus to save me and the assurance of eternal salvation, my life was completely changed.   My name is Jo Ann and I choose Jesus.

Thank you Lord that while we were still in darkness and dead in our sins, you reached down and chose to fill our hearts with your truth, understanding, and light.  Because of this, we can stand and say "We choose Jesus!"