
Endless, Incomprehensible, Extravagant Depths

There are things in life that we take hold of and perform without a glitch.  I can show students how to solve a mean fraction problem like a pro (least common denominators and all)!  I can also make a pretty delicious pie crust complete with rippled edges browned to just the right hue.  There's an understandable procedure behind it that, once understood and internalized, the task can be mastered.

If only everything in life were so explainable and simple.  And yet, I take that back because how truly boring it would be if we as humans had it all figured out.  In our pride and selfish drive, the human race has strived through time to find a cause, explanation, and solution to every occurrence and aspect of our world and human experience.  I can't help but think that we just aren't meant to get it all.  We aren't the Maker, we were created in His image.  We aren't the Father, we are the children.  We aren't the Potter, we are the clay.  We aren't the Doctor, we are the sick in need of healing.  Over and over, we see that it doesn't draw our attention back to us as the focal point.  It all points to Him!  While God in his goodness has chosen to reveal much of Himself to us, I recognize that I won't be able to comprehend it all until that day when I finally come home to my Savior.

One of the most beautiful aspects of God that I continue daily to revel in is His love for us.  I've heard the message from the time I was a small child how much He loves me, but with every year, every day, every moment, He continues to reveal new facets of this love in such a way that I find that it reaches endless, incomprehensible, and extravagant depths.  A song which made me ponder and reflect on this truth recently is "His Kind of Love" by Group 1 Crew.  The lyrics pose a question which matches my own realization that His love for me is deeper than I can imagine.  "How do you sing about a love so deep without feeling like you missed something?  I could try but I could not explain."  While I know that in this life I may never reach a complete understanding of it, I will never stop trying to enjoy it and share it with others.  This I know: the Father, the Son, and the Spirit are complete without me, but they have found joy in creating me, blessing me, completing me, and letting me find wholeness in my relationship and worship of God.  Although I bring nothing to God that He needs, He delights in me so much that Christ stepped down from the heavenly realms of glory to pay the price for my sins and redeem me with His saving grace.  I can't earn this love.  No, it has been given to me as a gift and it will not be taken away.  For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord. (Romans 8: 38-39).

Such endless, incomprehensible, extravagant depths of love.  I won't minimize it by pretending to have fully wrapped my mind around it, but I will dive in and bathe myself in His great love that He has poured out upon my life knowing that each day of this life I have been given the opportunity to realize it and experience more fully until I reach glory!


1 comment:

  1. Love this Cassie! Thanks for sharing :) I always love your posts.

    P.S. I still struggle (always have) with fractions. Maybe I could sit in on one of your classes? :)

    LOVE!!! xoxo.
