

It's simple to carry a heart of gratefulness and praise on many days and occasions.  Much like the sun shining brightly upon our lives and its rays warming us to the core, our situation may match our desires and result in such happiness that overwhelms.  Yet just as the sun rises each morning to greet us, it too departs at dusk leaving the darkness of night.  When our circumstances dishearten, when hearts are broken, when doors close, or when we struggle to understand disappointment, our hearts may not be as likely to overflow with praise and thanksgiving.  

In such circumstances, I am forced to survey the source of joy in my heart.  Do I find my happiness in the ever changing people, places, and things in my surroundings and environment?  May it not be so, for these will inevitably disappoint.  No, my joy comes from a deeper and rock solid source; my life proclaims utter gratitude for the gift of salvation and adoption as a child of God that I have been granted through Christ!  Though it may be simple to praise Him for His blessings in moments of ease and contentment, how much more significant is our praise in times of struggle.  His love and His promises do not falter or waver as if blown about by the wind.  They are steadfast and firm.  With this understanding, it is essential to be reckless as we offer up praise for His goodness and saving grace that is ever present.  As the lyrics of the song "You Are" by Colton Dixon offer, "If I had no voice, if I had no tongue, I would dance for you like the rising sun."  Whatever seems lacking in our present circumstances, it cannot hinder praise lifted up to our deserving God.  Take my voice, yet I will still dance for Him because such joy and worship cannot be withheld.  There is nothing that this world has to offer that can bring true happiness or steal my source of joy.  The sun will rise and set, but despite it all I will recklessly give glory to Him who is worthy.  Rejoice in the Lord always.  I will say it again: Rejoice! (Philippians 4:4)

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