
In the Kitchen with Cassie

I love food.  Wait, let me try that again.  I LOVE food.  Not in that gross, "I really should put down the bag of potato chips and go for a run" kind of way (ok, I'm guilty of that sometimes just like everyone else), but in an "I appreciate the endless diversity of flavors and possibilities" way.  You fellow food appreciators out there, you get me.  My favorite way to experience new dishes is when someone a lot more expert than me is fixing them, but sometimes you just have to roll up your sleeves and enter the ring yourself.  

Today was one of those days.  I hope I haven't built up your hopes too terribly high.  I didn't make a fancy dish whose elegant French name I would butcher in pronunciation.  No, today's baking adventure was inspired by some leftover blueberries, a little bit of internet searching/blog reading, and my grandma's exquisite homemade pie crust recipe.  Isn't Sunday wonderful in that it lends so much time to slowing down and enjoying a good meal with the important people in your life?  Today, in addition to trying out a couple of recipes for baked chicken and roasted carrots, I tried my hand at making mini blueberry pies.  Oh so cute!  My wonderful (and brave) boyfriend was willing to be the recipient of the meal and my co-taste tester of the baking experiment...

I would like to report that my mini blueberry pies turned out pretty well, but I have some tweaking to do with the filling.  The regular blueberry pie recipe I followed called for the berries, sugar, cinnamon, and corn starch.  Once baked, the blueberries were very juicy, but I was hoping that the corn starch would have led to a little more syrupy juice too.  Any suggestions fellow bakers?  I'm taking advice!

Nonetheless, I was proud of my cute little desserts!  I'm imagining how fantastic some tiny little lemon meringue pies would be.  Oh the possibilities! 

                                     Mini shells made and filled!

                                Tops added and fresh out of the oven.

                      There you have it, mini blueberry pie!

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